A bridge is a fixed device used to replace one or more missing teeth.
A bridge is usually ceramic and can provide an aesthetic solution to a gap whilst improving your ability to chew.
To allow the bridge to be fixed, the teeth on either side of the gap are usually shaped by the dentist.

In some cases a ‘sticky-type’ bridge can be used if a small tooth has been lost. ( See case 1 below)
This can avoid the need to prepare (drill down) the teeth on either side.
The longer the length of the bridge, the more stress will be placed on the underlying teeth.
Sometimes it may be better to restore the space with a dental implant to preserve the adjacent teeth.
Advantages of bridges:
- Improved Aesthetics
- Improved speech
- Improved ability to chew
- Closing spaces
- Reduces food traps
- Avoids surgery if used as an alternative to implants
Is a Bridge suitable for me?
To find out if you are suitable for this treatment and the costs simply arrange
A Free Bridge Consultation (worth up to £120).
Request more information:
or call 020 8302 8729 and ask for our
“Website Bridge Offer”.
See below some examples of bridges
A sticky bridge replacing a tooth (X) glued to teeth either side (arrows) and the aesthetic front view.

Rear View

Aesthetic Front view
A bridge placed on implants used to improve the appearance of missing back teeth, filling in the space.






Bridges used to fill in gaps both sides of the mouth.
A front ceramic bridge used to fix 2 decayed teeth and to replace a missing tooth as well.


Is a Bridge suitable for me?
To find out if you are suitable for this treatment and the costs simply arrange
A Free Bridge Consultation (worth up to £120).
Request more information:
or call 020 8302 8729 and ask for our
“Website Bridge Offer”.