What is a crown?
A crown is a cap that is placed over a tooth and held in place with cement.
They are used:
- As a protective cover for badly damaged teeth – like a crash helmet!
- As a permanent restoration on teeth with large fillings to prevent fracturing of the remaining tooth.
- To correct problems in natural teeth like spacing and irregular shape.
- To mask severe discoloration.
- To provide instant realignment of teeth.
- To protect teeth that have received root canal treatment.
- For aesthetics.
What are crowns made of?
Crowns can be made of many different materials. Eg. Resin, gold, silver, metal with ceramic, or full ceramic.
The majority of crowns placed at Birkbeck are full ceramic toughened crowns. These provide the very best aesthetics.
Modern technology has allowed crowns to be placed the same day. The full ceramics used by CEREC are now providing fantastic improvements in aesthetics compared to previous methods.
Crowns are usually placed on weakened teeth that have previously received extensive treatment and are a means of prolonging the life expectancy of these teeth.
The process
Due to our investments in modern dentistry, the process can now be done in a single visit (same day) with no need for 2 lots of injections or temporary crowns. Thanks to our CEREC machine.
Previously the teeth due to be crowned were prepared to allow space for the crown, an impression of the tooth would be taken and a temporary crown was then made and fitted onto the tooth. Next the mould was sent to a laboratory where a crown would be fabricated. Finally, at the second appointment, the temporary crown was removed and the new crown fitted.
All this is now achieved in a single visit with a single injection. Therefore avoiding impressions, temporary crowns, laboratory work and no second fitting appointment two weeks later.
Are Crowns suitable for me?
To find out if crowns are for you, simply arrange
A Free Crown consultation (worth up to £90)
Request more information:
or call 020 8302 8729 and ask for our
“Website Crown Offer”.
View a selection of our crown cases below
See how replacing a single crown (and tooth whitening) can drastically change aesthetics.


2 heavily filled back teeth protected with ceramic crowns.


4 front crowns with poor aesthetics replaced with ceramics.


Replacement of 10 old anterior crowns with ceramics.


10 poor fitting crowns replaced in 4 hours with ceramics.


Damaged anaesthetic teeth restored with crowns.


Old crowns with poor fitting edges replaced in 2 hours with ceramics.


Are Crowns suitable for me?
To find out if crowns are for you, simply arrange
A Free Crown consultation (worth up to £90)
Request more information:
or call 020 8302 8729 and ask for our
“Website Crown Offer”.