Dentures are removable false teeth. There are numerous options to select from when considering dentures.
A denture can replace a single tooth, a number of teeth or a whole set of teeth.
They can be made from acrylic, a flexible resin or in cobalt chrome (metal).
Dentures usually take 4 weeks to make, however emergency dentures can also be made within 24 hours- usually by prior arrangement.
There are a number of materials available to help stabilise and clean dentures and patients are advised on an individual basis.
Patients that are slowly loosing their teeth may sometimes require a transition denture that allows new teeth to be added to it each time a tooth is lost.
Some patients present with loose teeth that need to be removed very quickly. In such cases a full denture is fitted during the same appointment in which the teeth are removed.
The denture is prepared prior to this appointment. Another denture will usually be required some months after the teeth have been extracted following a healing period to allow the gums to shrink back and heal.
A common mistake with dentures is to make them too small so that there is not enough tooth showing and insufficient support of the lips and cheeks. This ages your face ( see example cases below).
We avoid this and show patients the final result prior to the denture being completed so that any minor adjustments can be made.
A good fitting, correctly proportioned denture will take a few visits but is worth the effort in the long run.
Removable dentures can be steadied with dental implants and with special attachments if they are causing problems.
Would I benefit from new dentures?
To find out if you would benefit from new dentures and the costs simply arrange a free consultation worth £120
Request more information:
or call us on 020 8302 8729
Poor lip support and short teeth – replaced with correct support and proportions


Small, flat, life-less and worn teeth replaced with corrected smile line and better shaped design


Discoloured, worn teeth replaced with a better cosmetic life-like solution


A full upper acrylic following total tooth loss


Lips and cheeks supported and balanced to restore correct face height.


An old denture discoloured and with poor teeth replaced with an aesthetic solution.

Would I benefit from new dentures?
To find out if you would benefit from new dentures and the costs simply arrange a free consultation worth £120
Request more information:
or call us on 020 8302 8729